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How to Scale Commercial Real Estate

Feb 28, 2022

Is it possible to retire early by investing in real estate? 

Joseph Cornwell, formerly a police officer and now a real estate agent, believes that it is possible. Also a general contractor and real estate investor, he buys distressed properties and turns them into value-add investments that are attractive to many...

Feb 27, 2022

Is commercial real estate worth my time?

Matt Drouin will explain why it is. 

Matt is a high-performing real estate leader with 15 years of experience in real estate management, development, and brokerage. He specializes in asset turnaround and stabilization of distressed assets, as well as building and developing...

Feb 26, 2022

How to scale up to institutional joint venture equity?

General partnerships. Limited partnerships. Joint ventures. New investors and business owners will encounter these business entities at some point in their lives before they even think about the possibility of scaling up. The important thing is for them to...

Feb 25, 2022

Can anyone invest in real estate?

No matter your age or gender, you can invest in real estate by educating yourself and finding a mentor who will guide you through your journey. This is what Ruth Hiller believes and is sharing with her fellow women investors who are still navigating the seemingly complex world of...

Feb 24, 2022

“Should I continue adding money to my 401(k)?”

If someone tells you to invest in real estate assets instead of your 401(k), then don’t dismiss the person outright. Real estate investors like Chris Larsen will suggest evaluating your choices before putting all your eggs in one basket. 

Chris is the Founder...